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Attention!! 您的输欧SDS合规吗?

From: 中鼎检测 Date: 2024-12-17 Tits: 1282 Times

Recently,Inspectors in 28 EU-EEA countries checked over 2 500 safety data sheets to enforce the new requirements introduced in 2023. found that 35 % of the checked safety data sheets (SDS) were non-compliant.

The specific nonconformity is as follows:

● 67 % lack of information on nanoforms.
48 % lack of information on endocrine disrupting properties.
16%lacked the information required by the authorisation decisions.
27 %included incorrect information on hazard identification, composition or exposure control.
18 % lacked the required exposure scenarios.

SDS are used by chemical suppliers to provide their professional and industrial customers with information about the properties and risks of the chemicals and how to handle, store, use and dispose them safely. The SDS are critical to the protection of workers.
SDS/MSDS report information
Typically, a complete SDS/MSDS report contains the following 16 items:

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CTT can provide you with professional SDS/MSDS services, write chemical safety technical specifications in line with multinational standards and specifications, help your product safety compliance, smooth entry into the market!

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